
绗 簩闄勯櫌鎴愬姛涓惧姙2015骞村叏鍥借冻韪濆 绉戝 鏈 爺璁ㄤ細鏆ㄦ柊杩涘睍. 鐢卞浗瀹跺 鍥戒笓瀹跺眬銆佸寳浜 競澶栧浗涓撳 灞 鏀 寔锛屽唴钂欏彜鍖荤 澶у 绗 簩闄勯櫌涓庡寳浜 悓浠佸尰闄 叡鍚屼富鍔炵殑201. . 鎴戞牎鎴愬姛鎵垮姙绗 節灞娾 滄寫鎴樻澂鈥濆叏鍖哄ぇ瀛 敓璇惧 瀛 湳绉戞妧浣滃搧绔? 鏃ワ紝绗 節灞娾 滄寫鎴樻澂鈥濆叏鍖哄ぇ瀛 敓璇惧 瀛 湳绉戞妧浣滃搧绔炶禌缁堝 鍐宠禌浣滃搧灞曠ず鏆ㄩ棴骞曞紡鍦ㄦ垜鏍 噾灞辨牎. . 鎴戞牎涓捐 椹 厠鎬濅富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦般 佺埍鍥戒富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦版彮鐗屼华寮? 妤间細璁 涓捐 椹 厠鎬濅富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦板拰鐖卞浗涓讳箟. . 瀛 範璐 交涔犺繎骞虫 讳功璁扮郴鍒楅噸瑕佽 璇濈簿绁炴毃鈥滀笁涓? 鍏充簬寮 灞曡嚜娌诲尯鈥滅粡娴庢柊甯告 佷笌鍐呰挋鍙ゅ彂灞曗 濆緛鏂囩殑閫氱煡. E-MailWebmasterimmu.edu.cn 钂橧CP澶? 鍦板潃锛氬唴钂欏彜鍛煎拰娴 壒甯傞噾灞卞紑鍙戝尯 閭 紪锛?


The site immc.edu.cn presently has a traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more traffic). We have examined seven pages within the website immc.edu.cn and found two hundred and one websites referencing immc.edu.cn.
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绗 簩闄勯櫌鎴愬姛涓惧姙2015骞村叏鍥借冻韪濆 绉戝 鏈 爺璁ㄤ細鏆ㄦ柊杩涘睍. 鐢卞浗瀹跺 鍥戒笓瀹跺眬銆佸寳浜 競澶栧浗涓撳 灞 鏀 寔锛屽唴钂欏彜鍖荤 澶у 绗 簩闄勯櫌涓庡寳浜 悓浠佸尰闄 叡鍚屼富鍔炵殑201. . 鎴戞牎鎴愬姛鎵垮姙绗 節灞娾 滄寫鎴樻澂鈥濆叏鍖哄ぇ瀛 敓璇惧 瀛 湳绉戞妧浣滃搧绔? 鏃ワ紝绗 節灞娾 滄寫鎴樻澂鈥濆叏鍖哄ぇ瀛 敓璇惧 瀛 湳绉戞妧浣滃搧绔炶禌缁堝 鍐宠禌浣滃搧灞曠ず鏆ㄩ棴骞曞紡鍦ㄦ垜鏍 噾灞辨牎. . 鎴戞牎涓捐 椹 厠鎬濅富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦般 佺埍鍥戒富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦版彮鐗屼华寮? 妤间細璁 涓捐 椹 厠鎬濅富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦板拰鐖卞浗涓讳箟. . 瀛 範璐 交涔犺繎骞虫 讳功璁扮郴鍒楅噸瑕佽 璇濈簿绁炴毃鈥滀笁涓? 鍏充簬寮 灞曡嚜娌诲尯鈥滅粡娴庢柊甯告 佷笌鍐呰挋鍙ゅ彂灞曗 濆緛鏂囩殑閫氱煡. E-MailWebmasterimmu.edu.cn 钂橧CP澶? 鍦板潃锛氬唴钂欏彜鍛煎拰娴 壒甯傞噾灞卞紑鍙戝尯 閭 紪锛?


The site had the following in the site, "鐢卞浗瀹跺 鍥戒笓瀹跺眬銆佸寳浜 競澶栧浗涓撳 灞 鏀 寔锛屽唴钂欏彜鍖荤 澶у 绗 簩闄勯櫌涓庡寳浜 悓浠佸尰闄 叡鍚屼富鍔炵殑201." We noticed that the web page stated " 鎴戞牎鎴愬姛鎵垮姙绗 節灞娾 滄寫鎴樻澂鈥濆叏鍖哄ぇ瀛 敓璇惧 瀛 湳绉戞妧浣滃搧绔? 鏃ワ紝绗 節灞娾 滄寫鎴樻澂鈥濆叏鍖哄ぇ瀛 敓璇惧 瀛 湳绉戞妧浣滃搧绔炶禌缁堝 鍐宠禌浣滃搧灞曠ず鏆ㄩ棴骞曞紡鍦ㄦ垜鏍 噾灞辨牎." It also stated " 鎴戞牎涓捐 椹 厠鎬濅富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦般 佺埍鍥戒富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦版彮鐗屼华寮? 妤间細璁 涓捐 椹 厠鎬濅富涔夋暀鑲插熀鍦板拰鐖卞浗涓讳箟. 瀛 範璐 交涔犺繎骞虫 讳功璁扮郴鍒楅噸瑕佽 璇濈簿绁炴毃鈥滀笁涓? 鍏充簬寮 灞曡嚜娌诲尯鈥滅粡娴庢柊甯告 佷笌鍐呰挋鍙ゅ彂灞曗 濆緛鏂囩殑閫氱煡. cn 钂橧CP澶? 鍦板潃锛氬唴钂欏彜鍛煎拰娴 壒甯傞噾灞卞紑鍙戝尯 閭 紪锛?."


IMM Cabang BSKM Berilmu Amaliah, Beramal Ilmiah, dengan Semangat Illahiah

Berilmu Amaliah, Beramal Ilmiah, dengan Semangat Illahiah. Pimpinan Cabang IMM BSKM 2014 -2015. Susunan Pengurus PK IMM Ahmad Badawi UNY. Susunan Pengurus PK IMM Ibnu Khaldun UGM. Susunan Pengurus PK IMM Al-Khawarizmi UGM. Susunan Pengurus PK IMM AR Sutan Mansur UNY. PP Muhammadiyah dari Periode ke Periode. DPD IMM DIY dari Periode ke Periode. DPP IMM dari Periode ke Periode. Ketua dari Periode ke Periode. Bidang Tabligh dan Kajian Islam.

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